About Me

I'm Mohsin Mehmood, a Senior Data Scientist at Exora AI. In my role, I deliver cutting-edge AI products and engage with stakeholders to ensure that our solutions meet their needs and expectations. With a strong background in machine learning and data science, I thrive on transforming complex data into actionable insights. My passion lies in driving innovation and leveraging AI to solve real-world problems. When I'm not working, I enjoy exploring new technologies, sharing knowledge with the community, and continuously learning to stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.

Mohsin Mehmood

Skills & Experience

  • Core Technologies

    Proficient in AWS, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, and more. Skilled in programming languages including C/C++, Python, Rust, JavaScript, HTML/CSS.

  • AI & Machine Learning

    Extensive experience with AI and Machine Learning, utilizing PyTorch, TensorFlow, and other latest tools and frameworks such as Langchain, LangGraph, CrewAI, LlamaIndex, RAGAS, Giskard

  • Development & Deployment

    Expertise in backend development, cloud services deployment, and CI/CD pipelines, ensuring scalable and efficient applications.


Exora Logo

Senior Data Scientist @ Exora AI

Upwork Logo

Top Rated Machine Learning Engineer @ Upwork

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Senior Machine Learning Engineer @ The Quell App

DiveDeepAI Logo

Machine Learning Engineer @ DiveDeepAI

Founding ML Engineer @ BackFeedAI

Recent Projects

E-commerce Price Prediction Platform

Technologies: Python, scikit-learn, AWS, FastAPI, GitLab CI/CD

View Project

Dental X-ray AI Analysis System

Technologies: FastAPI, React, Gemini, GPT-4

View Project


"Mohsin was an absolute pleasure to work with. His work ethic and dedication to ensuring that the final product he delivers is exactly what we want"

-Cole Gonzales, CEO at Ossa.ai

"Mohsin is one of the most easy-going, sharp thinking, and well rounded professional who knows his speciality. He will go above and beyond to ensure that his clients are always getting the best and I would highly recommend him"

- Sameer Bhatti, CEO at Backfeed.ai

Get In Touch

Interested in collaborating or learning more about my work? Connect with me on LinkedIn or drop an email at mohsinmahmood675@gmail.com.